Sunday, March 12, 2017


The passage, The Clan of One-Breasted Woman, emphasizes the disastrous outcomes of the nuclear weapons testing. Just as people had suffered in Japan due to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, people in the United States have suffered due to radiation. Unfortunately, like many outcomes of America, the government is yet to blame. Using land that is supposedly “uninhabited” as a safe ground for the testing, this caused in outburst for the people in these areas.

black and white explosion mushroom black white 1945

Not only did the bombings affect have health related issues, but it goes to show how the United States government is hypocritical. Claiming to love and protect “its people” as they let the radiation alter human life. Causing death due to cancer and other health issues. Critically standing for itself as they get a slap on the wrist for their actions. The millions of problems created from the United States government seem to piece together as if they work together on a link chart.

Image result for link chart crime

All the facts are embodied throughout time. We just need to stand for ourselves against the government that works for us.

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