Sunday, March 19, 2017

To Glow

To enter into the discussion, the problem is racism towards all. We all have bigotry and intolerance for a specific set of people, no matter what the situation may be. To make sense of every situation we should understand every previous moment before; step into one's shoes, rethink how one may feel, and view both sides of the story. We need to glow.

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The phrase “blinded society” is extremely ironic. We would be better blind since much of the hatred comes from what we see and the outlooks of one’s personality. Instead of our society being blind to everything, we have a specific lens we see through that slowly worsens our view on the world. This relates to our perspectives, and how we our close minded. The blindness is a severe diagnosis which humbles one’s heart and mind. The correlation connects but the point is off. It is not our eyes that are blinded, but more so the mind.

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To have a good heart is scarce in the world. The constant cycle of breeding humans to hate is placed on every soul as we slip further into an abyss of darkness. We learn the difference between right and wrong, until the inside of one's heart and mind is manipulated. Then the care to do something right fades as the acceptance of doing something wrong becomes withstandable. One thing that we take advantage of (which is still a sin) is the disrespecting of others. The circle of the cold world is shown not only through hatred towards a kind of person but towards the people we are jealous of. The people we hate for no apparent reason. The people we do not even hate due to racism, but toward the fact that they are different. This relates to the lens that slowly takes over our minds. It devours our spirit like a boa snake constricting our ability to love. Thus creating an adaptation to the claustrophobic environment of our ill mind.

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The never ending cycle of hatred can change. Change is not easy but neither is living in this gruesome world. Create a loving atmosphere for the generations to come. Just as Frederick Douglass had said, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men”.

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Sunday, March 12, 2017


The passage, The Clan of One-Breasted Woman, emphasizes the disastrous outcomes of the nuclear weapons testing. Just as people had suffered in Japan due to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, people in the United States have suffered due to radiation. Unfortunately, like many outcomes of America, the government is yet to blame. Using land that is supposedly “uninhabited” as a safe ground for the testing, this caused in outburst for the people in these areas.

black and white explosion mushroom black white 1945

Not only did the bombings affect have health related issues, but it goes to show how the United States government is hypocritical. Claiming to love and protect “its people” as they let the radiation alter human life. Causing death due to cancer and other health issues. Critically standing for itself as they get a slap on the wrist for their actions. The millions of problems created from the United States government seem to piece together as if they work together on a link chart.

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All the facts are embodied throughout time. We just need to stand for ourselves against the government that works for us.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

To Be Or Not To Be

Everyone loves to look dapper and beautiful; however, people also need their days to wear sweatpants and hoodies. As men “supposedly” have their days to look sloppy and not be judged, Deborah Tannen claims that “there is no unmarked woman”.


For many years women have been described based on their beauty. What they wear out the house, what makeup they place on their face, and what they do to their hair. It is almost mandatory for women to have to dress themselves up. When they take a day off women are judged for not looking “normal”. Nonetheless, times have changed and views of people are not as sexist as before. Women argue that they cannot go out in sweatpants and hoodies without being judged. Yes, women are criticized when they do not wear makeup or dress up, but it is up to them for wearing makeup everyday and dressing themselves up. It is only right for one to question the difference. The argument they women are the only ones marked is not true to this day.

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As I present myself with fashionable clothing and different trends, I am considered marked. I am questioned when I do not dress up. Since it is common for me to do this everyday it is expected for people to ask questions about my different appearance. A young girl in my class wears the same blue hoodie, along with jeans and no makeup. No one questions her appearance and why she does not wear makeup because she has been presenting herself this way everyday. If a woman wanted to dress up everyday with no makeup no one will question her actions, leaving her being unmarked. If I wanted to wear sweatpants everyday, I would also be unmarked.

Mashable reactions meme what surprised

It is not just for women to be marked or unmarked. It is about the decisions one makes that gives them the specific title.